Join this private class with famed Fly Tyer Blane Chocklett, who is coming to Jesse Brown's Outdoors to share his knowledge on some of his most intricate fly designs. Limited space is available.

He’ll be teaching his intricate pattern, the Hellgrammite Changer Fly, from 2PM to 4PM, plus how it is best utilized in pursuit of that big fish.

Earlier in the day, Chocklett will be teaching another class separately on the Jerk Changer Fly, beginning at 9AM. Click HERE for more information on that class and to enroll. During the lunch hour, Chocklett will also give a presentation titled "Predator & Prey Rod Talk".

Afterwards, beginning at 4PM, he’ll also sign his books, including his newest, Game Changer: Tying Flies That Look & Swim Like The Real Thing.

Come learn from the best as the Chocklett Factory brings his talent to the fly shop of Charlotte. This will be an exciting time, and we hope you can attend!